Indra Jyothi Foundation - Our Programs - Rural Skill Development & Employment Picture

Being known as the young country with 65% of population under the age of 35, India's youth hold the key for our nation’s advancement. But the 17.9% of rural youth (of age 15-24) are not equipped enough to find productive employment. Despite rapid urbanization, the rural youth in India, especially from families where agriculture is the main source of income remain far behind with digital illiteracy and its eventual skill gap. 

Skilling the youth helps increase the employability of our country’s human resources. We, at IJF, aim to turn these promising young men and women to prospective candidates by identifying the skills required in industries. According to the World Economic Forum, technology-related skills will be the most in-demand skills of 2025. IJF realizes the importance of digital skills and industry-relevant training to turn the unemployed youth into income-generators in rural families. 

Our skill gap analysis works to identify the problems at the grassroots level through surveys that use SMART (Standardized Monitoring and Assessment of Relief and Transitions) Methodology. As a solution, IJF’s Rural Skill Development and Employment Unit works with HR professionals to bridge the skill gap in various industries and sectors. Our programs are in line with the Digital India’s government initiative, PMGDISHA through which we help empower rural citizens with digital access and literacy. 

Make a contribution that will directly impact the future of young Indian citizens. Your donation will help fund the vocational training letting the rural youth thrive in their lives. Every young person from these economically backward families has the potential to create their own future when provided with the right resources. When these skilled youth join the workforce, they uplift their families from poverty and raise living standards in rural areas.